Access Reports

Reports for jobs and time are helpful to give you a high level view of what's going on in your business. You can access reports via the Reports area of NextMinute.

Step 1: Navigate to Reports and select the report you wish to view

We want to hear from you!  If you have an idea about other reports you would like to see, please let us know!


Here is a link to an article taking you through the steps in creating a Timesheets by Job that you can send to your customers.

Step 2: Select a report, see examples

Job charge summary by type:

View the summary of unbilled charges, quotes, orders, invoices and supplier invoices for unarchived jobs.  

Note: You can export all reports in a range of formats and send via email.

Job charge summary by User:

View the summary of unbilled charges, quotes, orders, invoices and supplier invoices for archived and unarchived jobs grouped by user.

Payroll Report:

View the timesheets by workers for payroll purposes.

Timesheets by User:

View the timesheets by workers for payroll purposes.


Timesheets by User by Day

View timesheets by workers on a specific day

Timesheets by Job:

View timesheets grouped by Job.

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