Forcing time to be added to tasks

This is useful to have for your staff so that when they enter their time it will have to be assigned to a task within a particular job. It helps you know where time has been spent more accurately.

Step 1: Navigate to Jobs and select All Jobs, then choose a job


Step 2: Select Edit from the Job flyout


Step 3: Tick User timesheets must be entered against tasks and then hit Save


 *If no tasks are assigned to the job the following message will appear:
The following steps are what your staff will now see when entering in their timesheets.

Step 1: Select Timesheets and + to make a Timesheet entry against that day


Step 2: Select 'Select Job'


Step 3: Select the Job you wish to add time to


As you can see below, you will now have to select a Task from the list of tasks associated with that Job to make a timesheet entry.