Quotes More Options

The following options via the more button:

Create Tasks from Quote

You can create Tasks from all sections within the quote or select selections before this menu.


Create Invoice from Quote

You can create an invoice from all sections within the quote or select selections before this menu.
How to use sections in Quotes

Create Section Only Invoice from Quote

Create Order from Quote

You can create an order from all sections within the quote or select selections before this menu.
How to use sections in Quotes

Import from File

You can import existing quotes from any other system (NextMinute or 3rd party system) and add to the quote, you can use Sections from File, Create New Section or Choose Existing Section.
How to use sections in Quotes

Please get in touch with NextMinute for this step*


Add cover Page

The default cover page template will be selected, you can select another template (if another has been created and is not the default) by selecting the plus sign at the bottom left.

To create a new Cover Page template head to Admin->Templates:

Then select "Add"

How do Merge Fields work?


Add T&C

The T&C  template will be selected, you can select another template (if another has been created and is not the default) by selecting the plus sign at the bottom left.

To create a new T&C template head to Admin->Templates:

Please check out: How to add & edit Terms & Conditions Pages

Accept Quote

Select Yes to confirm the status of the quote has been accepted


Decline Quote

Declining a quote as shown above will NOT remove the task(s) linked


Save as Pre-built Template

Saving as a Pre-built Template, will create a template straight away, allowing you to use for future quotes



To add files to a quote select "Add"

On the Add Files tab, you can click or drop files into it (via PC)
You can add any image or document file (up to 20MB each)

Summary View

The summary view is another way to view and edit the quote, such as adding/removing, editing items.

Import Items (via Summary View)

Which can come from Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Supplier Invoices or From Pre-Built Templates:

Delete Quote

Deleting a quote depending if there is a template created from it will give you the message above "Some of the line items to be deleted are included in Template"

If task(s) are linked to the quote, the links will be removed.