Quotes List
Within your Quotes list you can see all of your Quotes, the Customer, the associated Job and Task, the Quote Reference, the Quote Status, the Quote Total, Amount Invoiced, Amount Remaining, the Expiry Date, Date Sent and if there are any files attached.
Add Columns to your list
Note: In this example we are adding the column Quote Date to the list
As you can see below, the column Quote Date has been added to the Quotes list grid.
Filter Quotes List
You can filter by the status of the quote, still to be invoiced, ones without a linked job or task, by quote date, by expiry, created and updated date, by customer, job, job pricing type and include deleted.
In this example we are filtering by Expiry Date and using the Date Range.
As you can see below, the list of the the Quotes with an expiry date between the dates set is shown. Select Filters and then Clear Filters to clear filter.
More Options
Selecting the More drop down gives you the option to view a quotes list report, or you can export to PDF and Excel.
Search Quote
Search for a quote by its title or number.
Or search by the customer assigned to the quote.