Merge Fields

Unique data that will populate based on customer/user/company/date and other information in your NextMinute account

Job Sheet - Email/SMS/Push Notification:

Merge Field { } Description
UserLoginName Current user's login name.
UserDisplayName Current user's display name.
SubscriptionName Name of NextMinute subscription.
SubscriptionPostalAddress Subscription postal address.
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite Subscription business website.
Type Job type.
Number Job number.
Name Job name.
Code Job code.
OrderNumber Order number.
Description Job description.
Address Job address.
Status Job status.
StatusHistoryList Job status history list.
Customer Customer's display name on NextMinute.
CustomerFirstName Customer's first name.
CustomerLastName Customer's last name.
CustomerBusinessName Customer's business name.
CustomerEmailAddress Customer's email address.
CustomerEmailAddressForInvoices Customer's email address for invoices.
CustomerWebsite Customer's website.
CustomerAddress Customer's address.
CustomerBillingAddress Customer's billing address.
CustomerDDIPhoneNumber Customer's DDI phone number.
CustomerWorkPhoneNumber Customer's work phone number.
CustomerMobilePhoneNumber Customer's mobile phone number.
CustomerHomePhoneNumber Customer's home phone number.
CustomerFaxPhoneNumber Customer's fax phone number.
Site Site name.
SiteFirstName Site contact first name.
SiteLastName Site contact last name.
SiteBusinessName Site business name.
SiteEmailAddress Site email address.
SiteAddress Site address.
SiteDDIPhoneNumber Site DDI phone number.
SiteMobilePhoneNumber Site mobile phone number.
Linked contacts to the Job (customer(s), User(s), Supplier(s)).
DueDate Due date for the job.
JobDetailsStartDate Job details start date.
JobDetailsEndDate Job details end date.
StartDate Job start date.
EndDate Job end date.
Priority Job priority.
AssignedToList List of contacts assigned to the job.
CreatedBy Job created by.
UpdatedBy Job updated by.
ScheduledTasks Scheduled tasks.
ScheduledTasksWithDetails Scheduled tasks with details.


Header/Footer/Cover Page /Terms & Conditions Page

Merge Field { } Description
UserLoginName The login name of the current user.
UserDisplayName The display name of the current user taken from the contacts list.
SubscriptionName The name of your subscription.
SubscriptionPostalAddress The postal address of your subscription.
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite The business website of your subscription.
CustomerDisplayName The display name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
CustomerBusinessName The business name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
FirstName The first name of the customer.
LastName The last name of the customer.
CustomerBillingAddress The billing address of the customer.
CustomerPhysicalAddress The physical address of the customer.
UniqueNumber The unique quote, order, or invoice number.
Label The label you've given to the quote, order, or invoice, e.g., TAX INVOICE, ESTIMATE, etc.
DateFullMonth The date of the quote, order, or invoice. Date format displays full month name.
Date The date of the quote, order, or invoice.
DateExpiryFullMonth The expiry date of the quote. Date format displays full month name.
DateExpiry The expiry date of the quote.
DateLastSent The date you last sent the quote, order, or invoice to a contact.
Reference The reference details on the quote, order, or invoice.
PrivateNotes Any private notes you've entered in the quote, order, or invoice header.
JobCustomer The display name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerBusinessName The business name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerDDI The DDI contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerWorkNumber The work contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerMobileNumber The mobile contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobName The name of the associated job.
JobDescription The description of the associated job.
JobType The type of the associated job.
JobNumber The unique number of the associated job.
JobCode The code assigned to the associated job.
JobDueDate The due date of the associated job.
JobDetailsStartDate The start date of the associated job.
JobDetailsEndDate The end date of the associated job.
JobStartDate The date of the first scheduled task for the job.
JobEndDate The date of the last scheduled task for the job.
JobOrderNumber The order number of the associated job.
JobAddress The address for the associated job.
JobStatus The current status of the associated job.
JobPriority The priority of the associated job.
JobAssignedToList The list of contacts assigned to the associated job.
TotalLabour The overall total labour amount excluding tax.
TotalMaterials The overall total materials amount excluding tax.
TotalDisbursements The overall total disbursements amount excluding tax.
TotalOther The overall total other items amount excluding tax.
SubTotal The overall sell price subtotal excluding tax.
TaxTotal The overall sell price tax total.
Total The overall sell price total including tax.
BuySubTotal The overall buy price subtotal excluding tax.
BuyTaxTotal The overall buy price tax total.
BuyTotal The overall buy price total including tax.
TotalPayments The total amount already paid.
TotalCreditNotes The total amount of credit notes.
AmountDue The total less any payments and credit notes.
AmountInvoiced The total amount invoiced including tax.
AmountInvoicedExclTax The total amount invoiced excluding tax.
AmountInvoicedPercent The total amount invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
AmountUnInvoiced The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax.
AmountUnInvoicedExclTax The total amount remaining to be invoiced excluding tax.
AmountUnInvoicedPercent The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
AmountNotBillable The total not-billable amount including tax.
QuoteStatus *The status of accepting of the quote.
*Not available on Invoices
TaskStartDate The start date of the assigned task.
TaskEndDate The end date of the assigned task.
TaskTitle The title of the assigned task.
TaskDetails The details of the assigned task.
TaskAddress The address of the assigned task.
TaskCustomer The display name of the customer associated with the assigned task.
TaskStatus The status of the assigned task.
TaskCategory The category of the assigned task.
EmailSignature *Email signature that is defined in Admin | Templates or Messing, *For email cover page.
(Does not work on Header/Footer or T&C Page)

Supplier Invoice:

Header/Footer/Cover Page

Merge Field { } Description
The login name of the current user.
The display name of the current user taken from the contacts list.
The name of your subscription.
The postal address of your subscription.
The business website of your subscription.
The display name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
The business name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
The first name of the customer.
The last name of the customer.
The billing address of the customer.
The unique quote, order, or invoice number.
The label you've given to the quote, order, or invoice e.g. TAX INVOICE, ESTIMATE, etc.
The date of the quote, order, or invoice. Date format displays full month name.
The date of the quote, order, or invoice.
The date you last sent the quote, order, or invoice to a contact.
The reference details on the quote, order, or invoice.
Any private notes you've entered in the quote, order, or invoice header.
The display name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
The business name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
The DDI contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
The Work contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
The Mobile contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
The name of the associated job.
The description of the associated job.
The type of the associated job.
The unique number of the associated job.
The code assigned to the associated job.
The due date of the associated job.
The start date of the associated job.
The end date of the associated job.
The date of the first scheduled task for the job.
The date of the last scheduled task for the job.
The order number of the associated job.
The address for the associated job.
The current status of the associated job.
The priority of the associated job.
The list of contacts assigned to the associated job.
The overall total labour amount excluding tax.
The overall total materials amount excluding tax.
The overall total disbursements amount excluding tax.
The overall total other items amount excluding tax.
The overall sell price sub total excluding tax.
The overall sell price tax total.
The overall sell price total including tax.
The overall buy price sub total excluding tax.
The overall buy price tax total.
The overall buy price total including tax.
The total amount already paid.
The total amount of credit notes.
The total less any payments and credit notes.
The total amount invoiced including tax.
The total amount invoiced excluding tax.
The total amount invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax.
The total amount remaining to be invoiced excluding tax.
The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
The total not-billable amount including tax.
The start date of the assigned task.
The end date of the assigned task.
The title of the assigned task.
The details of the assigned task.
The address of the assigned task.
The display name of the customer associated with the assigned task.
The status of the assigned task.
The category of the assigned task.
*Email signature that is defined in Admin | Templates or Messing, *For email cover letters


Header/Footer/Cover Page

Merge Field { } Description
UserLoginName The login name of the current user.
UserDisplayName The display name of the current user taken from the contacts list.
SubscriptionName The name of your subscription.
SubscriptionPostalAddress The postal address of your subscription.
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite The business website of your subscription.
CustomerDisplayName The display name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
CustomerBusinessName The business name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
FirstName The first name of the customer.
LastName The last name of the customer.
CustomerBillingAddress The billing address of the customer.
UniqueNumber The unique quote, order, or invoice number.
Label The label you've given to the quote, order, or invoice e.g. TAX INVOICE, ESTIMATE, etc.
DateFullMonth The date of the quote, order, or invoice. Date format displays full month name.
Date The date of the quote, order, or invoice.
DateDueFullMonth The due date of the order or invoice. Date format displays full month name
DateDue The due date of the quote, order invoice.
DateLastSent The date you last sent the quote, order, or invoice to a contact.
Reference The reference details on the quote, order, or invoice.
PrivateNotes Any private notes you've entered in the quote, order, or invoice header.
JobCustomer The display name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerBusinessName The business name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerDDI The DDI contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerWorkNumber The Work contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerMobileNumber The Mobile contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobName The name of the associated job.
JobDescription The description of the associated job.
JobType The type of the associated job.
JobNumber The unique number of the associated job.
JobCode The code assigned to the associated job.
JobDueDate The due date of the associated job.
JobDetailsStartDate The start date of the associated job.
JobDetailsEndDate The end date of the associated job.
JobStartDate The date of the first scheduled task for the job.
JobEndDate The date of the last scheduled task for the job.
JobOrderNumber The order number of the associated job.
JobAddress The address for the associated job.
JobStatus The current status of the associated job.
JobPriority The priority of the associated job.
JobAssignedToList The list of contacts assigned to the associated job.
TotalLabour The overall total labour amount excluding tax.
TotalMaterials The overall total materials amount excluding tax.
TotalDisbursements The overall total disbursements amount excluding tax.
TotalOther The overall total other items amount excluding tax.
SubTotal The overall sell price sub total excluding tax.
TaxTotal The overall sell price tax total.
Total The overall sell price total including tax.
BuySubTotal The overall buy price sub total excluding tax.
BuyTaxTotal The overall buy price tax total.
BuyTotal The overall buy price total including tax.
TotalPayments The total amount already paid.
TotalCreditNotes The total amount of credit notes.
AmountDue The total less any payments and credit notes.
AmountInvoiced The total amount invoiced including tax.
AmountInvoicedExclTax The total amount invoiced excluding tax.
AmountInvoicedPercent The total amount invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
AmountUnInvoiced The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax.
AmountUnInvoicedExclTax The total amount remaining to be invoiced excluding tax.
AmountUnInvoicedPercent The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
AmountNotBillable The total not-billable amount including tax.
TaskStartDate The start date of the assigned task.
TaskEndDate The end date of the assigned task.
TaskTitle The title of the assigned task.
TaskDetails The details of the assigned task.
TaskAddress The address of the assigned task.
TaskCustomer The display name of the customer associated with the assigned task.
TaskStatus The status of the assigned task.
TaskCategory The category of the assigned task.
EmailSignature *Email signature that is defined in Admin | Templates or Messing, *For email cover letters