Unique data that will populate based on customer/user/company/date and other information in your NextMinute account
Job Sheet - Email/SMS/Push Notification:

Merge Field { } | Description |
UserLoginName | Current user's login name. |
UserDisplayName | Current user's display name. |
SubscriptionName | Name of NextMinute subscription. |
SubscriptionPostalAddress | Subscription postal address. |
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite | Subscription business website. |
Type | Job type. |
Number | Job number. |
Name | Job name. |
Code | Job code. |
OrderNumber | Order number. |
Description | Job description. |
Address | Job address. |
Status | Job status. |
StatusHistoryList | Job status history list. |
Customer | Customer's display name on NextMinute. |
CustomerFirstName | Customer's first name. |
CustomerLastName | Customer's last name. |
CustomerBusinessName | Customer's business name. |
CustomerEmailAddress | Customer's email address. |
CustomerEmailAddressForInvoices | Customer's email address for invoices. |
CustomerWebsite | Customer's website. |
CustomerAddress | Customer's address. |
CustomerBillingAddress | Customer's billing address. |
CustomerDDIPhoneNumber | Customer's DDI phone number. |
CustomerWorkPhoneNumber | Customer's work phone number. |
CustomerMobilePhoneNumber | Customer's mobile phone number. |
CustomerHomePhoneNumber | Customer's home phone number. |
CustomerFaxPhoneNumber | Customer's fax phone number. |
Site | Site name. |
SiteFirstName | Site contact first name. |
SiteLastName | Site contact last name. |
SiteBusinessName | Site business name. |
SiteEmailAddress | Site email address. |
SiteAddress | Site address. |
SiteDDIPhoneNumber | Site DDI phone number. |
SiteMobilePhoneNumber | Site mobile phone number. |
LinkedContacts |
Linked contacts to the Job (customer(s), User(s), Supplier(s)).
DueDate | Due date for the job. |
JobDetailsStartDate | Job details start date. |
JobDetailsEndDate | Job details end date. |
StartDate | Job start date. |
EndDate | Job end date. |
Priority | Job priority. |
AssignedToList | List of contacts assigned to the job. |
CreatedBy | Job created by. |
UpdatedBy | Job updated by. |
ScheduledTasks | Scheduled tasks. |
ScheduledTasksWithDetails | Scheduled tasks with details. |
Header/Footer/Cover Page /Terms & Conditions Page
Merge Field { } | Description |
UserLoginName | The login name of the current user. |
UserDisplayName | The display name of the current user taken from the contacts list. |
SubscriptionName | The name of your subscription. |
SubscriptionPostalAddress | The postal address of your subscription. |
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite | The business website of your subscription. |
CustomerDisplayName | The display name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice. |
CustomerBusinessName | The business name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice. |
FirstName | The first name of the customer. |
LastName | The last name of the customer. |
CustomerBillingAddress | The billing address of the customer. |
CustomerPhysicalAddress | The physical address of the customer. |
UniqueNumber | The unique quote, order, or invoice number. |
Label | The label you've given to the quote, order, or invoice, e.g., TAX INVOICE, ESTIMATE, etc. |
DateFullMonth | The date of the quote, order, or invoice. Date format displays full month name. |
Date | The date of the quote, order, or invoice. |
DateExpiryFullMonth | The expiry date of the quote. Date format displays full month name. |
DateExpiry | The expiry date of the quote. |
DateLastSent | The date you last sent the quote, order, or invoice to a contact. |
Reference | The reference details on the quote, order, or invoice. |
PrivateNotes | Any private notes you've entered in the quote, order, or invoice header. |
JobCustomer | The display name of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerBusinessName | The business name of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerDDI | The DDI contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerWorkNumber | The work contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerMobileNumber | The mobile contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobName | The name of the associated job. |
JobDescription | The description of the associated job. |
JobType | The type of the associated job. |
JobNumber | The unique number of the associated job. |
JobCode | The code assigned to the associated job. |
JobDueDate | The due date of the associated job. |
JobDetailsStartDate | The start date of the associated job. |
JobDetailsEndDate | The end date of the associated job. |
JobStartDate | The date of the first scheduled task for the job. |
JobEndDate | The date of the last scheduled task for the job. |
JobOrderNumber | The order number of the associated job. |
JobAddress | The address for the associated job. |
JobStatus | The current status of the associated job. |
JobPriority | The priority of the associated job. |
JobAssignedToList | The list of contacts assigned to the associated job. |
TotalLabour | The overall total labour amount excluding tax. |
TotalMaterials | The overall total materials amount excluding tax. |
TotalDisbursements | The overall total disbursements amount excluding tax. |
TotalOther | The overall total other items amount excluding tax. |
SubTotal | The overall sell price subtotal excluding tax. |
TaxTotal | The overall sell price tax total. |
Total | The overall sell price total including tax. |
BuySubTotal | The overall buy price subtotal excluding tax. |
BuyTaxTotal | The overall buy price tax total. |
BuyTotal | The overall buy price total including tax. |
TotalPayments | The total amount already paid. |
TotalCreditNotes | The total amount of credit notes. |
AmountDue | The total less any payments and credit notes. |
AmountInvoiced | The total amount invoiced including tax. |
AmountInvoicedExclTax | The total amount invoiced excluding tax. |
AmountInvoicedPercent | The total amount invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total. |
AmountUnInvoiced | The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax. |
AmountUnInvoicedExclTax | The total amount remaining to be invoiced excluding tax. |
AmountUnInvoicedPercent | The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total. |
AmountNotBillable | The total not-billable amount including tax. |
QuoteStatus | *The status of accepting of the quote. *Not available on Invoices |
TaskStartDate | The start date of the assigned task. |
TaskEndDate | The end date of the assigned task. |
TaskTitle | The title of the assigned task. |
TaskDetails | The details of the assigned task. |
TaskAddress | The address of the assigned task. |
TaskCustomer | The display name of the customer associated with the assigned task. |
TaskStatus | The status of the assigned task. |
TaskCategory | The category of the assigned task. |
EmailSignature | *Email signature that is defined in Admin | Templates or Messing, *For email cover page. (Does not work on Header/Footer or T&C Page) |
Supplier Invoice:
Header/Footer/Cover Page
Merge Field { } | Description |
UserLoginName |
The login name of the current user.
UserDisplayName |
The display name of the current user taken from the contacts list.
SubscriptionName |
The name of your subscription.
SubscriptionPostalAddress |
The postal address of your subscription.
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite |
The business website of your subscription.
CustomerDisplayName |
The display name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
CustomerBusinessName |
The business name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice.
FirstName |
The first name of the customer.
LastName |
The last name of the customer.
CustomerBillingAddress |
The billing address of the customer.
UniqueNumber |
The unique quote, order, or invoice number.
Label |
The label you've given to the quote, order, or invoice e.g. TAX INVOICE, ESTIMATE, etc.
DateFullMonth |
The date of the quote, order, or invoice. Date format displays full month name.
Date |
The date of the quote, order, or invoice.
DateLastSent |
The date you last sent the quote, order, or invoice to a contact.
Reference |
The reference details on the quote, order, or invoice.
PrivateNotes |
Any private notes you've entered in the quote, order, or invoice header.
JobCustomer |
The display name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerBusinessName |
The business name of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerDDI |
The DDI contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerWorkNumber |
The Work contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobCustomerMobileNumber |
The Mobile contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job.
JobName |
The name of the associated job.
JobDescription |
The description of the associated job.
JobType |
The type of the associated job.
JobNumber |
The unique number of the associated job.
JobCode |
The code assigned to the associated job.
JobDueDate |
The due date of the associated job.
JobDetailsStartDate |
The start date of the associated job.
JobDetailsEndDate |
The end date of the associated job.
JobStartDate |
The date of the first scheduled task for the job.
JobEndDate |
The date of the last scheduled task for the job.
JobOrderNumber |
The order number of the associated job.
JobAddress |
The address for the associated job.
JobStatus |
The current status of the associated job.
JobPriority |
The priority of the associated job.
JobAssignedToList |
The list of contacts assigned to the associated job.
TotalLabour |
The overall total labour amount excluding tax.
TotalMaterials |
The overall total materials amount excluding tax.
TotalDisbursements |
The overall total disbursements amount excluding tax.
TotalOther |
The overall total other items amount excluding tax.
SubTotal |
The overall sell price sub total excluding tax.
TaxTotal |
The overall sell price tax total.
Total |
The overall sell price total including tax.
BuySubTotal |
The overall buy price sub total excluding tax.
BuyTaxTotal |
The overall buy price tax total.
BuyTotal |
The overall buy price total including tax.
TotalPayments |
The total amount already paid.
TotalCreditNotes |
The total amount of credit notes.
AmountDue |
The total less any payments and credit notes.
AmountInvoiced |
The total amount invoiced including tax.
AmountInvoicedExclTax |
The total amount invoiced excluding tax.
AmountInvoicedPercent |
The total amount invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
AmountUnInvoiced |
The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax.
AmountUnInvoicedExclTax |
The total amount remaining to be invoiced excluding tax.
AmountUnInvoicedPercent |
The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total.
AmountNotBillable |
The total not-billable amount including tax.
TaskStartDate |
The start date of the assigned task.
TaskEndDate |
The end date of the assigned task.
TaskTitle |
The title of the assigned task.
TaskDetails |
The details of the assigned task.
TaskAddress |
The address of the assigned task.
TaskCustomer |
The display name of the customer associated with the assigned task.
TaskStatus |
The status of the assigned task.
TaskCategory |
The category of the assigned task.
EmailSignature |
*Email signature that is defined in Admin | Templates or Messing, *For email cover letters
Header/Footer/Cover Page
Merge Field { } | Description |
UserLoginName | The login name of the current user. |
UserDisplayName | The display name of the current user taken from the contacts list. |
SubscriptionName | The name of your subscription. |
SubscriptionPostalAddress | The postal address of your subscription. |
SubscriptionBusinessWebsite | The business website of your subscription. |
CustomerDisplayName | The display name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice. |
CustomerBusinessName | The business name of the customer for the quote, order, or invoice. |
FirstName | The first name of the customer. |
LastName | The last name of the customer. |
CustomerBillingAddress | The billing address of the customer. |
UniqueNumber | The unique quote, order, or invoice number. |
Label | The label you've given to the quote, order, or invoice e.g. TAX INVOICE, ESTIMATE, etc. |
DateFullMonth | The date of the quote, order, or invoice. Date format displays full month name. |
Date | The date of the quote, order, or invoice. |
DateDueFullMonth | The due date of the order or invoice. Date format displays full month name |
DateDue | The due date of the quote, order invoice. |
DateLastSent | The date you last sent the quote, order, or invoice to a contact. |
Reference | The reference details on the quote, order, or invoice. |
PrivateNotes | Any private notes you've entered in the quote, order, or invoice header. |
JobCustomer | The display name of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerBusinessName | The business name of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerDDI | The DDI contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerWorkNumber | The Work contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobCustomerMobileNumber | The Mobile contact number of the customer allocated to the associated job. |
JobName | The name of the associated job. |
JobDescription | The description of the associated job. |
JobType | The type of the associated job. |
JobNumber | The unique number of the associated job. |
JobCode | The code assigned to the associated job. |
JobDueDate | The due date of the associated job. |
JobDetailsStartDate | The start date of the associated job. |
JobDetailsEndDate | The end date of the associated job. |
JobStartDate | The date of the first scheduled task for the job. |
JobEndDate | The date of the last scheduled task for the job. |
JobOrderNumber | The order number of the associated job. |
JobAddress | The address for the associated job. |
JobStatus | The current status of the associated job. |
JobPriority | The priority of the associated job. |
JobAssignedToList | The list of contacts assigned to the associated job. |
TotalLabour | The overall total labour amount excluding tax. |
TotalMaterials | The overall total materials amount excluding tax. |
TotalDisbursements | The overall total disbursements amount excluding tax. |
TotalOther | The overall total other items amount excluding tax. |
SubTotal | The overall sell price sub total excluding tax. |
TaxTotal | The overall sell price tax total. |
Total | The overall sell price total including tax. |
BuySubTotal | The overall buy price sub total excluding tax. |
BuyTaxTotal | The overall buy price tax total. |
BuyTotal | The overall buy price total including tax. |
TotalPayments | The total amount already paid. |
TotalCreditNotes | The total amount of credit notes. |
AmountDue | The total less any payments and credit notes. |
AmountInvoiced | The total amount invoiced including tax. |
AmountInvoicedExclTax | The total amount invoiced excluding tax. |
AmountInvoicedPercent | The total amount invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total. |
AmountUnInvoiced | The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax. |
AmountUnInvoicedExclTax | The total amount remaining to be invoiced excluding tax. |
AmountUnInvoicedPercent | The total amount remaining to be invoiced including tax as a percentage of the total. |
AmountNotBillable | The total not-billable amount including tax. |
TaskStartDate | The start date of the assigned task. |
TaskEndDate | The end date of the assigned task. |
TaskTitle | The title of the assigned task. |
TaskDetails | The details of the assigned task. |
TaskAddress | The address of the assigned task. |
TaskCustomer | The display name of the customer associated with the assigned task. |
TaskStatus | The status of the assigned task. |
TaskCategory | The category of the assigned task. |
EmailSignature | *Email signature that is defined in Admin | Templates or Messing, *For email cover letters |