Import line items into an existing Quote

In this article we take you through the steps in importing line items from a csv file into an existing quote. This is easy enough to do if you have your quote/estimate saved as a csv file. 

Step 1: Navigate to Quotes and select your Quote


Step 2: Select Import from File



Step 3: Choose which sections to import your line items into, then select Next

In this example, we are selecting to use sections from file.


Step 4: Import CSV file

Firstly, select Choose Import File.
Then select your saved csv file.


Step 5: Select your Import Template

Firstly, select Choose Import Template.
Then select an existing Template or select to Add a new one, you can view each template to see which fields will be imported into NextMinute. When happy select Done.


Step 6: Select which sections to Import then select Import

In this example, we are importing all sections.
As you can see below, your line items have been successfully imported into your Quote.