Basic role Permissions

This article shows you the default permissions set for the Basic role.


This article shows you the default permissions set for the Basic role. You can edit these permissions how you like and edit the title of the role. These permissions are set for users who will have minimal access to the features compared to other users.

This user won't have access to the Calendar and has the Jobs and Tasks Timer Function enabled for Timesheets. This user also has Timesheets set as their default so when they log into NextMinute they go straight to Timesheets.

This user won't have the ability to Add and Edit a Jobs but can change a Job status and attach Photos, Notes, Scribbles and add Actual Charges to a Job.

This user won't have the ability to Add and Edit a Tasks but can change a Task status and attach Photos, Notes, Scribbles, Files and Actual Charges to a Task.

This user won't have any access to Quotes, Invoices, Orders or Supplier Invoices.

This user will have the ability to view a Contact name within a Job or Task and access to Sale Items but can't add or edit. This user doesn't have access to Pricing, Activity Log or Pre-Built Templates. If you have a PlaceMakers integration they won't have access to the Live Price Book.