Attach photos, scribbles and notes to your jobs - Mobile


Attaching photos, scribbles & notes to your jobs is a good way to capture the progress of a job, customer signatures and any other job notes. You can also download your photos you have saved against a Job to your phone.

Step 1: Select Jobs 


Step 2: Select the Job

Step 3: Once in the Job, Select the Actions button to bring up the actions list


Adding a Photo to your job

Step 1: Within the Job select Actions and Photos.

Step 2: Select Add

Step 3: Select to Capture New or Use Gallery

Here you can either Capture a new photo or upload a photo or multiple photo's from your phone's Gallery. In this example we selected Capture New, this opens up your phone's camera so you can take a photo on site and save it to your job.

Step 4: Take photo and select OK

When you are happy with the photo, select OK to save it to your job.  You can then go back to the Job ticket, Add more photos, or go into the Actions list to Add Notes or Scribbles.

Adding Notes to your job

Step 1: Within the Job select Actions and Notes.

Step 2: Select Add

Step 3: Type in your note and Save

Selecting Add brings up a blank note page, click into the white space and start typing your note, you can also voice record to text by hitting the microphone icon on the keypad, when finished hit done and then select Save to add the note to your job.


Your note is saved and dated in the Notes folder as shown.  You can then go back to the Job ticket, add more notes, or go into the Actions list to add photos or scribbles.

Adding Scribbles to your job

Step 1: Within the Job select Actions and Scribbles.

Step 2: Select Add


Step 3: Use your finger to draw the scribble and save

Scribbles can be a valuable way to add a customers signature and diagrams to the job. 

Deleting Files from your Jobs

Note: In this example we are deleting a Photo but the same steps apply for Notes and Scribbles
Select a Photo you wish to delete, select Actions, select Delete and then Yes to confirm. You can also Download photos to be saved to your phone.
If you wanted to delete multiple photos you can multi select the ones you want to delete.